When Taken for Granted Quotes

“The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” – Unknown
(Source: Goodreads)

“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” – Cynthia Ozick
(Source: BrainyQuote)

“Don’t be too nice, you’ll be taken for granted.” – Anonymous
(Source: Eastrohelp)

“Sometimes, it takes being taken for granted to truly appreciate your own worth.” – Unknown
(Source: The Love Boy)

“An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies.” – Vida Winter
(Source: Lookupquotes)

“It hurts when you realize you’re not as important to someone as you thought you were.” – Unknown
(Source: Pinterest)

“Never let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs.” – Maya Angelou
(Source: Goodreads)

“Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had.” – Unknown
(Source: BrainyQuote)

“Those who take you for granted can never appreciate your true worth.” – Unknown
(Source: Eastrohelp)

“Sometimes, being taken for granted is a reminder that you deserve better.” – Unknown
(Source: The Love Boy)

“You deserve someone who will never take you for granted.” – Unknown
(Source: Lookupquotes)

“Never settle for being someone’s second choice when you deserve to be their first priority.” – Unknown
(Source: Pinterest)

“Taking someone for granted is the quickest way to lose them.” – Unknown
(Source: Goodreads)

“Never give so much importance to someone that they start taking you for granted.” – Unknown
(Source: BrainyQuote)

“Don’t let someone make you feel like you’re not worth fighting for.” – Unknown
(Source: Eastrohelp)

See also  Sarah Vaughan Quotes

“When you stop being taken for granted, you realize your own worth and the power within you.” – Unknown
(Source: The Love Boy)

“The moment you feel like you’re being taken for granted, it’s time to reevaluate your worth.” – Unknown
(Source: Lookupquotes)

“Taking someone for granted is a sign of true ignorance and ingratitude.” – Unknown
(Source: Pinterest)

“You deserve to be appreciated, not taken for granted.” – Unknown
(Source: Goodreads)

“Don’t settle for crumbs when you deserve the whole cake.” – Unknown
(Source: BrainyQuote)

“Being taken for granted is a lesson in self-worth and knowing when to walk away.” – Unknown
(Source: Eastrohelp)

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